Contact Info
Sofia, Bulgaria
- 125 "Tzarigradsko shose" blvd., bl. 2, fl. 3, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
- Call:+3592 9713509
- Email: cist
fmi [dot] uni-sofia [dot] bg
About Us
The Centre of Information Society Technologies (CIST) is an interdisciplinary research and training institution of Sofia University, motivated by the challenge to support the development, introduction and wide use of Information Society Technologies (IST). The main objective of the Centre is to create and establish fruitful co-operation between the University - the academic community and industry - SMEs, NGOs, public administration, local community, banking and financial institutions for co-ordinating the efforts in spreading the IST wide implementation and use. The Centre brings together the theoretical and applied interdisciplinary research in IST and their applications in the economic, social and natural sciences.