The Bulgarian DIGITRANS Incubation space is ready and open to host new digital transformation trainings and consultations with SMEs!
During the last few weeks, the first workshops and trainings on digital transformation in Bulgaria were organized in the newly established DIGITRANS incubation space.
The first guest in the Incubation space was a group of Bulgarian and French students in Business Administration from the Sofia University and the University of Lille. Students used the opportunity to learn more about the digital transformation processes, the business digitalization needs and the DIGITRANS model as a whole. After a short presentation of the methodology, they tested the innovative materials and design tools. During the workshop, students worked in teams to develop creative solutions in order to illustrate complex processes. They used the moment not only to work together but also to share experiences and discuss how to design new digital-enabled businesses.
On 14th of March, a DIGITRANS workshop was organised with Mr. Dimitar Kirilov and Mr. Alexander Dimitrov – managers of “100 Montaja” Ltd small company. This was the first Bulgarian SME that tested in practice the digital transformation model, developed by DIGITRANS project partnership. The company considered the opportunity to redefine its digitisation strategy and made the first step in this direction. The workshop format focused the managers’ attention on digital transformation opportunities from digital marketing and digital presence to challenges and models for IoT service development. Considering the DIGITRANS transformation method, the company showed further interest to join the next SME Blended trainings in May and incubation services.