New Hope for Researchers in Danger
Contributions of EURAXESS Bulgaria in the BRiDGE project (01.04.2018 – 31.03.2020)
EURAXESS Bulgaria has a heart for researchers in danger and is collaborating with different partners in Europe to support refugee researchers who are looking for better prospects in their career and social inclusion. There are around 220 early and late stage post doc researchers and professors of all ages, who had been displaced in Germany, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey.
The main activities under the project BRiDGE: “Bridge for Researchers in Danger Going to Europe” are training, services and support for refugee researchers and their mentors, where courses and trainings will be offered through the EURAXESS Bridgehead Organization at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The trainings will cover the topics like applying for a job, preparing for an interview as well as explaining the Science4Refugees Initiative and the EURAXESS Network to researchers in need.
The project BriDGE is a two-year project funded by the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 with coordinator Bielefeld University (Germany) and partners from Greece, Switzerland, Turkey and Bulgaria. Thus integrating the insights of so called final destination countries, entry countries and Turkey, a transit, conditional host and origin country of the refugee researchers at the same time.
The project will facilitate the efforts of the European Union to help refugee researchers settle into their host country of residence and prepare them for the highly competitive and highly skilled EU job market. At the same time there will be new opportunities for both mentors and highly skilled displaced researchers and a new hope for researchers in danger.
In a collaborative effort during the coming two years starting from the 1st of April 2018 EURAXESS partners of the mentioned countries will work on the social integration and career development of refugee researchers in Europe to provide localized guidance.
If your organization has similar objectives, we will be happy to discuss opportunities for cooperation and collaboration.