The Digital Platform Enterprise is an ERASMUS+ project, focusing to equip Business and ICT students with the necessary basic competences for scaling up technological European businesses.
The project general objective is to improve topical, methodical and intercultural competencies and skills of students for Digital Platform Enterprise management. It will support the creation of an online learning environment with collaborative elements to support digital learning practices of Business Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems and Business Informatics students in the context of Digital Platform Enterprise management. This way the project partners will establish a reference curricular framework for the modernization of higher education Master programs, addressing Digital Platform Enterprise management.
The project specific objectives are as follows:
- Improving the topical, methodical, and intercultural competences and skills of 40 students for Digital Platform Enterprise management.
- Creating an online learning environment, with collaborative elements, to support digital learning practices of Business Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems and Business Informatics students in the context of Digital Platform Enterprise management.
- Improve flexibility in individual learning pathways through blended mobilities for 20 students.
- Establish a reference curricular framework for the modernization of higher education Master programs, addressing Digital Platform Enterprise management.